Product updates

Product update: Reactions, Post scheduling and Kitchen prep

Reactions 😍 😋 ❤️

I've started to roll-out Reactions so your members can provide more meaningful feedback on your content.  Currently it is available for dashboard posts, but you'll see it move to other content areas in the future.

You can even choose the emoji to use to match your personal style and branding!

Turn this on within your app at:

App station > Reactions

More info on reactions

Post scheduling ⏰️

Now, along with scheduling Meal plan publishing, you can schedule a new post on your dashboard activity feed!  Create your post, schedule for the future, and it will automatically appear at the appointed time.

Along with scheduling, you can now EDIT these posts.

Kitchen prep > Create > Post

Post scheduling video explainer

Kitchen prep

Kitchen prep is a new section for admins only.  It is the new home to manage ALL your content.  Today, this includes recipes, meal plans and posts, but coming soon will be a new type of content allowing you to share PDF's and video's with your members.

For now, you can still find your recipes and meal plans as you previously have, but Kitchen prep will take over as the single place where you will manage all content.

Exciting new features will be added such as bulk editing and publishing.

Kitchen prep video explainer


You may have noticed that analytics quietly started showing up in your App station.  You now can see a few metrics about how member interact with your content, as well as time spent in your app.